2024 VOLTHA TST Meeting Minutes
Meeting Information
Tuesdays - PST: 8am-9am, EST: 11am-12pm, CEST: 5pm-6pm, EEST 6pm-7pm
Public Calendar for Meetings (self-register to attend)
Recorded meetings are on YouTube:
ONF Videos: starting in 2020/06, Circa 2020
Mailing list(s): announce@lists.voltha.org, discuss@lists.voltha.org
Website/News/Events: https://lfbroadband.org/
LF-BBF Tiger Team Page (BBF membership required for viewing)
Recorded Meeting:
Berlin Lab status
Approval for M3.1 and M3.2: Abhillash will get back tomorrow. Then a conditional approval will be given. If we came across a infra related problem, after the currrent software problems are fixed, BISDN will help fix this.
We are good, milestone are approved by the TST.
Mahir will call a meeting to check with Eric and TST members on updating Jenkins and Jenkins views. Because it is hard to find a time to work for all TST members, the meeting will be done between Mahir, Serkant and Eric.
Mahir to send the link of the release notes to Dan, for him to use in relesae announcements in different channels.
Abhilash to review and respond.
The issue linkes in the gerrit patches are inaccessible. Still pointing out the opencord jira. https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/2/IT-27782 opened.
Example here https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-lib-go/+/35683
The links are fixed and the issue is closed
Review request for
Recorded Meeting:
Berlin Lab status
Approval for M3.1 and M3.2: Abhillash will get back tomorrow. Then a conditional approval will be given. If we came across a infra related problem, after the currrent software problems are fixed, BISDN will help fix this.
Mahir will call a meeting to check with Eric and TST members on updating Jenkins and Jenkins views. Because it is hard to find a time to work for all TST members, the meeting will be done between Mahir, Serkant and Eric.
Mahir to send the link of the release notes to Dan, for him to use in relesae announcements in different channels.
The issue linkes in the gerrit patches are inaccessible. Still pointing out the opencord jira. https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/2/IT-27782 opened.
Example here https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-lib-go/+/35683
Review request for
Recorded Meeting:
BISDN status
M1.4 acceptance decision
For M3.1, there are still failing tests. Two taskes were opened. Most failures are occured because of the ONU state problem.
Multicast test in TT workflow is failing. A patch for launching iperf correctly is upstreamed. TST will be added as reviewers.
BISDN informed that they finished working on the pipelines as well, and the remaining items are software issues. TST will check the pipelines until the Feb 7th and get back to the BISDN if they can close the quotation.
TST to review the documentation and completeness of the milestones and provide comments or approve.
Mahir will call a meeting to chek with Eric and TST members on updating Jenkins and Jenkins views.
Release notes are updated, Eric to work further on the release.
Voltha-docs is not released properly. It doesn’t show the latest version. Serkant to open a Jira task to Eric for this.
Recorded Meeting:
BISDN status
M1.4 acceptance decision
For M3.1, there are still failing tests. Two taskes were opened. Most failures are occured because of the ONU state problem.
Multicast test in TT workflow is failing. A patch for launching iperf correctly is upstreamed. TST will be added as reviewers.
BISDN informed that they finished working on the pipelines as well, and the remaining items are software issues. TST will check the pipelines until the Feb 7th and get back to the BISDN if they can close the quotation.
Mahir will call a meeting to chek with Eric and TST members on updating Jenkins and Jenkins views.
Mahir to prepare the Release notes. Everyone to check their tasks to close the resolved ones with the correct fixed version.
Known reconcile problem and ONU states problem.
Voltha-docs is not released properly. It doesn’t show the latest version. Serkant to open a Jira task to Eric for this.
Recorded Meeting:
BISDN status
M1.4 is almost done
Working on the pipeline errors.
https://lf-broadband.atlassian.net/browse/VOL-5408 to be updated after all the changes are made.
Voltha-go-controller is pending, apart from that all are good.
Voltha-docs is not released properly. It doesn’t show the latest version. Serkant to open a Jira task to Eric for this.
After BISDN,who will maintain the LAB and AWS upgrades. question to the TST.
Recorded Meeting:
BISDN status
Working on the pipeline errors.
Abhilash to work on the remaining failures in the pipeline. Will probably do the fixes by tomorrow.
https://lf-broadband.atlassian.net/browse/VOL-5408 to be updated after all the changes are made.
Abhilash will inform Eric, to start tagging.
Voltha-docs is not released properly. It doesn’t show the latest version. Serkant to open a Jira task to Eric for this.
Michelle will share the Calendar for the possible events in 2025 that we might interested in to join. TST to give feedback on.
Recorded Meeting:
BISDN status
Milestone 1.4 almost done
All 3 (Radisys, adtran and zyxel) all up and running wit a few failures in DT and TT pipelines.
Relase 13 planning
VGC patch for updating the go.mod is failing. https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-go-controller/+/35562
VGC docker image push permission issue https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-go-controller/+/35564
VGC test pipeline changes https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/ci-management/+/35524
Abilash to work on the remaining failures in the pipeline
Transition to new Jira
No Gerrit patch links.
Eric to check if any possible solutions
Gerrit | Git Integration for Jira Cloud , could be of help
unable to create subtasks
Eric to check, Mahir to open a ticket and assign to Eric
No new patches apart from the pipelines issue patches.
All the pipelines and issues related to release will have to be resolved by 12 Jan.
Eric to work on the release and make it happen on 17th Jan
Recorded Meeting: here
BISDN status
Will try to finish M1.4 by the end of the year, then start working on the DT and TT pipelines in paralel.
VGC test suite progress
Patches are merged.
Abhilash will check with Eric for the existing failure.
Relase 13 planning
All the patches listed last week have been merged. What other patches still need to be merged?
Abhilash will inform(on slack) about the remaining important patches need to be merged before release.
Release task is opened. The link is: https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/2/IT-27580
Test pipelines. Still have a test case failing on a few pipelines.
Abilash will check if it can be fixed this week and we can start release this week
Otherwise the first availability of Eric is Jan 6th.
For relese notes, tasks should be marked resolved.
Transition to new Jira
Decided to be done on this Thursday(19th).
Recorded Meeting: here
New Slack workspace. You can join it here: https://join.slack.com/t/lfbroadband/shared_invite/zt-2v3t262zl-fZaPkjsk0epEEqdj8xe9JA
LF Broadband webinar schedules for December 3.
BISDN status:
VPN user creation by BISDN
Eric to give permission to TST members to release a version on Jira.
Mahir to raise a ticket
VGC test suite progress
Abhilash shared details to Eric.
Relase 13 planning
Status of the test jobs:
Abhilash checking the test cases
Status of the patches: Few patches which are necessary for 2.13 release
Code Freeze date: 13th December.
VOLTHA 2.13 release date : 20th December.
Responsibility matrix(TST members, LF team):
Abhilash to take care of the test pipelines failures and process to release VGC as well.
All TST members to review the remaining patches.
Open a ticket for VOLTHA release and Eric to work on it.
As there are no changes in ONOS from the previous release we use the same version but with new a tag.
Mahir to take care of the documentation and release notes.
Recorded Meeting: here
New Slack workspace. You can join it here: https://join.slack.com/t/lfbroadband/shared_invite/zt-2v3t262zl-fZaPkjsk0epEEqdj8xe9JA
LF Broadband webinar schedules for December 3.
BISDN status:
BISDN working om M1.4
Radisys OLT is integrated to the pipelines. Have some errors thrown by adapter/agent. Radisys will help on that.
Working on Adtran and Zyxel. Zyxel will get back whether to provide support. We will wait Zyxel’s response until Dec 10th, then will decide whether to move forward with Zyxel or not.
netbox.voltha.org is published an open now. Not everybody have access to every section.
Granting VPN access to TST members is giving access to all lab environment and vendor devices and SW which may cause licensing problems.
Mahir will start an email to decide a meeting time with TST and BISDN to go through the documents in Berlin lab.
Eric to give permission to TST members to release a version on Jira.
Relase 13 planning
Status of the test jobs: Most are green now. Better to have periodic-voltha-openonu-go-test-bbsim green as well.
Status of the patches: All in review. We can start to merge the reviewed ones. Aim to finish them before 13th.
Code Freeze date: Temp 13th of the Dec. All TST memebers need to be available between 13th and 27th.
27th is the temp release date
Responsibility matrix(TST members, LF team): Mahir will open a task to LF relese management team and talk to Eric for the resposibilities.
Recorded Meeting: here
BISDN status
ONU, OLT diagram and other cabling diagrams presented. TST members to review.
BISDN requested permission for certain repos for +2 and +verify. A Task is created for this. Mahir to create another for removing the permissions after the work is finished.
TST to check the documents that are prepared by BISDN.
Radisys OLT currently have problems. Praneeth is on this.
Everything needed from LF for Netbox setup is ready, reported by Eric.
Eric will grant TST members access to all the links in the documents.
The links are accesible only through the VPN. Eric will create temporary VPN usernames for TST members to access the lab through the VPN.
Lab diagram is updated according to the feedbacks from TST.
Jokain presented the OLT-ONU diagram, and gave status.
Abhilash will sahre the new FW for Radisys OLT.
M1.3.2 and M1.4 is in progress
TST to review and approve the documentation for M1.3.2
Radisys OLT 1600x is up and running, Jan making changes to the test suite to point to ROLT
Adtran OLT , still work in progress.
Zyxel OLT , work in progress.
Access to the Lab needs to be discussed on who has to be given access to.
Test suites which needs to be in green so that we allow merges to start
Abhilash will check the onu-adapter-go test pipeline to solve the problem. Then we can start the merges again.
periodic-voltha-multiple-olts-openonu-go-test-bbsim , we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
periodic-voltha-openonu-go-test-bbsim, we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
We have found the issue in the above test suites, now to verify the fix how do we run these test on demand ? like if we have to test out a fix in voltha components or in voltha-system-tests ?
voltha-system-tests fix merged.
We should able to test it up this week probably.
A branch is requested from Eric. Abhilash and Praneeth are on this.
Eric to give permissions to create a branch on the voltha-system-tests repo. Abhilash to rerun the suite with the private branch
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for openonu-adapter memory consumption, optimizing the memory usage.
Verification failure
Couldn’t see the changes in channel sizes.
added to the patch today.
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for onu-adapter to check onu config in onu-adapter restarts.
merge request : https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-openonu-adapter-go/+/35227
VERSION file update + verification failure
Proto changes to offload PPPoe and DHCP RA apps. MR: https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-protos/+/35278
There are comments on the patch to be answered.
Merge conflict needs to be resolved
Amit is working on the comments, will be addressed by this week.
Release 12 in Jira hasn’t been released yet.
Eric will give permission to TST to release.
Abhilash to create a ticket for this.
VGC build pipelines to be setup.
Changes done , review pending.
The AWS is running very old Ubuntu 1.18 and Kubernetes versions,
Abhilash and Mahir to sync up on this.
Recorded Meeting: here
BISDN status
ONU, OLT diagram and other cabling diagrams presented. TST members to review.
BISDN requested permission for certain repos for +2 and +verify. A Task is created for this. Mahir to create another for removing the permissions after the work is finished.
TST to check the documents that are prepared by BISDN.
Radisys OLT currently have problems. Praneeth is on this.
Everything needed from LF for Netbox setup is ready, reported by Eric.
Eric will grant TST members access to all the links in the documents.
The links are accesible only through the VPN. Eric will create temporary VPN usernames for TST members to access the lab through the VPN.
Lab diagram is updated according to the feedbacks from TST.
Jokain presented the OLT-ONU diagram, and gave status.
Abhilash will sahre the new FW for Radisys OLT.
Test suites which needs to be in green so that we allow merges to start
Abhilash will check the onu-adapter-go test pipeline to solve the problem. Then we can start the merges again.
periodic-voltha-multiple-olts-openonu-go-test-bbsim , we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
periodic-voltha-openonu-go-test-bbsim, we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
We have found the issue in the above test suites, now to verify the fix how do we run these test on demand ? like if we have to test out a fix in voltha components or in voltha-system-tests ?
voltha-system-tests fix merged.
We should able to test it up this week probably.
A branch is requested from Eric. Abhilash and Praneeth are on this.
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for openonu-adapter memory consumption, optimizing the memory usage.
Verification failure
Couldn’t see the changes in channel sizes.
added to the patch today.
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for onu-adapter to check onu config in onu-adapter restarts.
merge request : https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-openonu-adapter-go/+/35227
VERSION file update + verification failure
Proto changes to offload PPPoe and DHCP RA apps. MR: https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-protos/+/35278
There are comments on the patch to be answered.
Merge conflict needs to be resolved
Release 12 in Jira hasn’t been released yet.
Eric will give permission to TST to release.
VGC build pipelines to be setup
Recorded Meeting: here
BISDN status
TST to check the documents that are prepared by BISDN.
Eric will grant TST members access to all the links in the documents.
The links are accesible only through the VPN. Eric will create temporary VPN usernames for TST members to access the lab through the VPN.
Lab diagram is updated according to the feedbacks from TST.
Jokain presented the OLT-ONU diagram, and gave status.
Abhilash will sahre the new FW for Radisys OLT.
Test suites which needs to be in green so that we allow merges to start
Abhilash will check the onu-adapter-go test pipeline to solve the problem. Then we can start the merges again.
periodic-voltha-multiple-olts-openonu-go-test-bbsim , we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
periodic-voltha-openonu-go-test-bbsim, we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
We have found the issue in the above test suites, now to verify the fix how do we run these test on demand ? like if we have to test out a fix in voltha components or in voltha-system-tests ?
voltha-system-tests fix merged.
We should able to test it up this week probably.
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for openonu-adapter memory consumption, optimizing the memory usage.
Verification failure
Couldn’t see the changes in channel sizes.
added to the patch today.
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for onu-adapter to check onu config in onu-adapter restarts.
merge request : https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-openonu-adapter-go/+/35227
VERSION file update + verification failure
Proto changes to offload PPPoe and DHCP RA apps. MR: https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-protos/+/35278
There are comments on the patch to be answered.
Merge conflict needs to be resolved
Release 12 in Jira hasn’t been released yet.
Eric will give permission to TST to release.
VGC build pipelines to be setup
Recorded Meeting: here
BISDN status
Jan and Eric to sync up on the VPN
Demo on the work done on M1.1, M1.2 and M131 next TST call.
Document are under the “Community Lab” presented by Jan.
TST to check the documents
Eric will grant TST members access to all the links in the documents.
The Netbox to be hosted in LF (servers/VMs).
Which Pod and which OLTs should be used? Should we use Radisys OLT in pod-1 instead of Edgecore?
There is a Radisys GPON OLT ready. We can use it.
The OLTs will be in Berlin by End of Next week.
Bjoern informed that the OLT is received and will be handed over to Jan.
How can we check and accept BISDN’s work?
Acceptance document/checklist preparation
The document is presneted by Mahir Gunyel . link here
Test suites which needs to be in green so that we allow merges to start
Abhilash will check the onu-adapter-go test pipeline to solve the problem. Then we can start the merges again.
periodic-voltha-multiple-olts-openonu-go-test-bbsim , we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
periodic-voltha-openonu-go-test-bbsim, we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
We have found the issue in the above test suites, now to verify the fix how do we run these test on demand ? like if we have to test out a fix in voltha components or in voltha-system-tests ?
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for openonu-adapter memory consumption, optimizing the memory usage.
Waiting for patches. No updates this week
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for onu-adapter to check onu config in onu-adapter restarts.
Voltha-system-tests build pipeline seems to be broken.
Proto changes to offload PPPoe and DHCP RA apps. MR: https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-protos/+/35278
Recorded Meeting: here
BISDN status
Jan and Eric to sync up on the VPN
Demo on the work done on M1.1, M1.2 and M131 next TST call.
These works are presented by Jan. The document are under the “Community Lab”.
TST to check the documents
Eric will grant TST members access to all the links in the documents.
The Netbox to be hosted in LF (servers/VMs).
Which Pod and which OLTs should be used? Should we use Radisys OLT in pod-1 instead of Edgecore?
There is a Radisys GPON OLT ready. We can use it.
The OLTs will be in Berlin by End of Next week.
Bjoern informed that the OLT is received and will be handed over to Jan.
How can we check and accept BISDN’s work?
Acceptance document/checklist preparation
The document is presneted by Mahir Gunyel . link here
VOLTHA Release 2.13 preparations.
Target dates, pre-conditions, VGC readiness.
VGC will be ready by the end of the year.
Test pipeline for VGC also will be ready.
We will proceed with ONOS and VGC together for this release.
Let’s check HW test at mid-Nov. Then decide again if we will go without HW tests or not.
Test suites which needs to be in green so that we allow merges to start
Abhilash will check the onu-adapter-go test pipeline to solve the problem. Then we can start the merges again.
periodic-voltha-multiple-olts-openonu-go-test-bbsim , we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
periodic-voltha-openonu-go-test-bbsim, we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
We have found the issue in the above test suites, now to verify the fix how do we run these test on demand ? like if we have to test out a fix in voltha components or in voltha-system-tests ?
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for openonu-adapter memory consumption, optimizing the memory usage.
Waiting for patches. No updates this week
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for onu-adapter to check onu config in onu-adapter restarts.
Error in Jenkins jobs, started on 18th:
01:13:13 + helm repo add onf https://charts.opencord.org
01:13:13 Error: looks like "https://charts.opencord.org " is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: Get "https://charts.opencord.org/index.yaml": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-10-18T08:13:13Z is after 2024-10-17T23:59:59ZThis problems is solved. Jobs started to turn green today.
Recorded Meeting: here
BISDN status
Where will BISDN start? Action plan
Jan will check if the contract is received.
First will install the HW provided
Fix the GW and then install the infra.
Jan will prepare a plan for the meeting TST for the next steps.
Wokring on milestones M1.1 and M1.2
Jan and Eric to sync up on the VPN
Demo on the work done on M1.1, M1.2 and M131 next TST call.
The Netbox to be hosted in LF (servers/VMs).
Which Pod and which OLTs should be used? Should we use Radisys OLT in pod-1 instead of Edgecore?
There is a Radisys GPON OLT ready. We can use it.
This can be done after the existing HW checked by BISDN
The OLTs will be in berlin by End of Next week.
How can we check and accept BISDN’s work?
Acceptance document/checklist preparation
TST will put the SoW items with the acceptance criterias to a checklist document.
Mahir will come up with acceptance criterias.
VOLTHA Release 2.13 preparations.
Target dates, pre-conditions, VGC readiness.
VGC will be ready by the end of the year.
Test pipeline for VGC also will be ready.
We will proceed with ONOS and VGC together for this release.
Let’s check HW test at mid-Nov. Then decide again if we will go without HW tests or not.
Test suites which needs to be in green so that we allow merges to start
Abhilash will check the onu-adapter-go test pipeline to solve the problem. Then we can start the merges again.
periodic-voltha-multiple-olts-openonu-go-test-bbsim , we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
periodic-voltha-openonu-go-test-bbsim, we have found out the RCA, will share the fixes ( in test suites or in the application code).
Update voltha-docker-tools with new versions of the tools
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for openonu-adapter memory consumption, optimizing the memory usage.
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for onu-adapter to check onu config in onu-adapter restarts.
Recorded Meeting: here
BISDN status
Where will BISDN start? Action plan
Jan will check if the contract is received.
First will install the HW provided
Fix the GW and then install the infra.
Jan will prepare a plan for the meeting TST for the next steps.
Which Pod and which OLTs should be used? Should we use Radisys OLT in pod-1 instead of Edgecore?
There is a Radisys GPON OLT ready. We can use it.
This can be done after the existing HW checked by BISDN
How can we check and accept BISDN’s work?
Acceptance document/checklist preparation
TST will put the SoW items with the acceptance criterias to a checklist document.
VOLTHA Release 2.13 preparations.
Target dates, pre-conditions, VGC readiness.
VGC will be ready by the end of the year.
Test pipeline for VGC also will be ready.
We will proceed with ONOS and VGC together for this release.
Let’s check HW test at mid-Nov. Then decide again if we will go without HW tests or not.
Test suites which needs to be in green so that we allow merges to start
Abhilash will check the onu-adapter-go test pipeline to solve the problem. Then we can start the merges again.
Update voltha-docker-tools with new versions of the tools
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for openonu-adapter memory consumption, optimizing the memory usage.
Abhilash will come with a document next meeting for onu-adapter to check onu config in onu-adapter restarts.
Because of the NetworkX, the meeting next week will be canceled and the next meeting will be the week after.
Recorded Meeting: here
Release 12 should be released in Jira and the open tasks needs to be removed to the next release.
Test suites which needs to be in green so that we allow merges to start
Abhilash/Mahir/Serkant to sync up and come up with testsuites which cover DT and TT workflow at least so that the merges can start. Eric will help with any CI issues faced.
BISDN work on the lab infrastructure and test suites.
Not yet started, Jan klare to check the contract and proceed with the lab restructuring and the test suites.
Review of the merge requests.( there are quite a bit of them pending yet).
SEBA refrence desgin updated , link : https://lf-broadband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HOME/pages/34963457 .
Recorded Meeting: here
Abhilash Laxmeshwar and Mahir Gunyel are appointed as the new TST co-chairs by the Board.
Status on Amazon Machine Image(AMI) problem
Eric has done with this problem. The existing problems are now about the sw and the tests.
We are using the ubuntu18.04 image.
Eric will take the owner of the patches belong to Joey.
Testing patch for Robot Framework update.
Eric will create a branch with the name “python312_updates” on voltha-system-tests. And will share the link on slack.
Any update on editing SEBA reference design document (Michelle)
Michele is creating the doc version of the last version.
Abhilash requested review for some patches on slack.
Recorded Meeting: here
Status on Amazon Machine Image(AMI) problem(Joey, Eric)
Review on pipelines. Passing and failing pipes.
A common error : “
voltctl: command not found
"Another one with TLS error: “
12:52:26 [91mwget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented 12:52:26 [0m[91mwget: TLS error from peer (alert code 80): 80 12:52:26 [0m[91mwget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer 12:52:26 [0mThe command '/bin/sh -c wget -q -O /usr/bin/voltctl.tmp https://github.com/opencord/voltctl/releases/download/v1.8.45/voltctl-1.8.45-linux-amd64' returned a non-zero code: 1
Given that the verification jobs have started to succeed, everyone should resume code reviews.
Review but do not merge. Wait for the problems with the test pipes to be solved.
Status on SEBA reference design edit options(Michelle)
Who edits and who reviews?
How is it published and released?
Recorded Meeting: here
Amazon Machine Image(AMI) problem(Joey)
Eric also working on the problem
Patch upstreaming problems
Working on two AMI images.
Some pipes are running now.
Python and Robot Framework version upgrade
We will check the failing pipes and see if they succeed with the ubuntu image prepared by Eric.
Status on LF release engineering team’s SoW document?(Joey, Michelle)
SEBA reference design edit options(Michelle)
The options listed by Michele:
The Broadband technical charter has a clause that says the TST can publish documentation under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. As I understand it, this includes copyright but no patent coverage. This can be set up and executed quite quickly.
If patent coverage is needed, the next best option would be a community specification license. We would set up a working group who would do the updates in github, and folks would have 45 days to review and ask for exclusions. This includes copyright and patent license, and would be relatively easy to spin up.
The third option would be a Joint Development Foundation Project. This is a more formal process that requires extensive legal review from everyone involved, additional membership agreements signed, and most likely additional funds for PM resources spent.
First option seems more reasonable.
Who will be the reviewers then? According to the licence in option 1, TST can review and publish.
Michelle to check its mechanics.
Recorded Meeting: here
Wiki page access problem is solved.
A scope is defined by the TST and the Board for 3rd party companies to get the Berlin lab operational. Work items are defined as below. BISDN requested to clarify the acceptance criterias.
Lab BoM, inventory and network diagram with deployment design (IP addresses, VLANs, Ports, Rules etc…) is documented and completed
Installation, startup, shutdown, recovery processes are documented, stable and repeatable
Any missing or replacement parts are procured, installed, integrated
Reference OLT model and ONU models (defined by TST) upgraded and fully functional
Workflow testing for DT activated and running
Workflow testing for TT activated and running
Test pipelines for nightly testing activated and running
Test pipelines for upstreamed patches activated and running
Connectivity between lab and AWS Infrastructure (for CI/CD and other tools) configured(if needed) and documented.
DNS, DHCP and NTP services installed on a infra host, automated and documented
ONOS controller that is managing the aggregation switch is installed on the same infra host and documented
The aggregation switch is upgraded and its configuration is documented
Previously defined acceptance criterias :
Documentation of the infrastructure should be accepted by the TST
Pipelines should be green
When a test is triggered from pushing of a patchset the tests should be executed successfully.
Percolate relevant changes made in the Physical infrastructure to LF so that it is replicated in the simulated environment
Updated/configured list of tools, libraries and software/firmware should be documented and demonstrated to the TST
Amazon Machine Image(AMI) problem(Joey)
Status on LF release engineering team’s SoW document?(Joey, Michelle)
SEBA reference design edits. How to edit, what should be the correct process(Michelle)
This is a placeholder to follow at the next meetings (after the board meeting)
Recorded Meeting: here
Problem accessing wiki page. Unable to access meeting minutes.(Michelle)
How to separate the tickets in Jira.
Tickets need to be assigned to Eric(ones that are assigned to Joey).
There is a plan to open an LF BB Jira and merge the existing to the new one.
Amazon Machine Image(AMI) problem(Joey)
Need to upgrade the ubuntu version(20.04) to resolve system problmes introduced by upgrading python
20.04 includes a newer version of python v3.8.2 and golang.
Can anyone from LF take this over?
Status on LF release engineering team’s SoW document?(Joey, Michelle)
Joey is trying to update release documentation and fix AMI image problem.
Haven’t written up a checklist yet.
Go controller status(Praneeth)
DT wf verified, TT needs to be done
Waiting for the new image including golang version upgrade
Need to prepare pipelines for vgc.
SEBA reference design edits. How to edit, what should be the correct process(Michelle)
Michelle prepares a slide for the Board to discuss.
Recorded Meeting: here
Problem accessing wiki page. Unable to access meeting minutes.
Amazon Machine Image(AMI) problem
Can anyone from LF take this over?
What is the workflow between the LF release engineering team and the community?
What are the tasks that will be covered by the LF release engineering team?
Who are the people related? Is there a dedicated resource? Will they join the TST meetings?
Do we assign tasks to them? Do they have VOLTHA Jira accounts?
Jira Tasks review
V2.12 tasks are still open.
Needs to be reviewed.
Needs to be categorized.
566 open tasks in VOLTHA https://jira.opencord.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20VOL%20AND%20status%20in%20(%22In%20Progress%22%2C%20%22To%20Do%22).
107 of them are assigned to Joey.
We need a name from the LF team to assign related tasks to.
We need to prioritize them for the LF team.
Things to be done with Joey until the end of the month:
Release documentation
Responsibilities/tasks categorization.
Jira task categorization. Which ones to LF Release team, which ones to community
Gerrit patches review.
Handover the access rights of the infra to LF(Jenkins, gerrit, AWS etc)
Handover the access rights of the Lab to LF.
Go controller
What is the current status
SEBA reference design edits - what is the process to edit RD?
Meeting tomorrow to find answers
Where is the editable version of the document served?
Recorded Meeting: 2024-07-??
[michelle] - 2024 TST election results:
I am pleased to announce the results of the 2024 VOLTHA TST election.
The elected nominees are Mahir Gunyel (Netsia) and Praneeth Nalmas (Radisys).
Praneeth has been added as a TST member:
Granted +2 patch approval attribute.
Can now access the voltha-tst slack channel,
[joey] - on vacation next week, can someone emcee the TST meeting 2024-08-06 ?
Moving forward from August 1, TST Chairs are responsible for TST meeting agendas
[joey] - Atlassian cloud migration is underway (completed?):
Item of note: Meeting agenda URL (~tinyURL) embedded within the meeting invite has changed.
An updated invite was sent out this morning, agenda can be found here:
Reminder: New project mailing list(s) and wiki/TST Agenda are being used:
See 2024-07-23 agenda for details.
Links and mailing lists can also be found at the top of this page.
VPN / colocation:
A new tunnel has been setup with jenkins traffic routed through it to the Berlin lab.
COLO network interfaces for VPN(s) have been taken down to block traffic flow.
Spot checking for any lingering peripheral dependencies, the new tunnel is live.
Jenkins pipelines are being updated to use the new/replacement AMI image.
System resources per-job will need to revisit later, resize resources.
1c-1g, 1c-2g, 2c-4g, 4c-8g, 8c-15g (c-processors, g-ram)
Current image (label:voltha-1804-micro) allocated as 4c-8g.
A new system image with each resourcepair above will be created from the template AMI.
Change jenkins node allocation (EC2) from static to dynamic.
Documentation / Release:
Also working on release items between AMI evaluation builds.
Reviewing and updating release content in docs.voltha.org and for LF (release engineering wiki).
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[todo] - Diagnose repo:voltha-protos hang/timeout once docker permission problems are resolved.
[serkant] - HOWTO: Seba document editing. Michelle will check on it.
Recorded Meeting: 2024-07-24
New Broadband Project Resources:
Mailing list(s):
People will need to register with the new mailing lists to interact.
Question: Would people like to see old mailing list content migrated to the new list (heavy lift, a lot of work).
Content can still be accessed through the archived mailing list but will not be brought forward.
TODO: include links for reference.
Old mailing lists deprecated:
TST Meeting Agenda:
https://lf-lfbroadband.atlassian.net :: 2024 VOLTHA TST Meeting Minutes
Archived: Google Docs
TODO: Archive page is already configured as read-only.
Edit page to also note archive status and insert a reference link to this wiki page.
[Serkant] - Activities and updates from the LF-BBF tiger team.
Topic: alignment points between SEBA and LF-BBF
Two interface points can be aligned between SEBA and the cloud (TR-411)
Old ONF designs went through a release process.
Michelle will check on the process at LF.
Question: Is there still a reference design team ?
ONF: reviewed by company & community members.
Who should have input on the SEBA refrence design ?
[Serkant] - (email thread) In addition, I'd appreciate some information on how to incorporate future LF-
Link to Broadband Board Meeting Notes
[joey] - Re-create AMI image (jenkins nodes):
A new AMI/image was created with more processors, ram and disk.
Disk size for prototype image was small and filled quickly by most repositories
Most interpreters, tools and versions used by v2.12 have been restored:
helm and a few other tools (jq, etc) are being updated to the latest version.
manual builds succeed
jenkins builds: gerrit:35288 job: 664 – dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied"
Failure is not due to the common problem of unix group membership.
If it were building locally would fail for the same reason.
jenkin builds: gerrit:35288 job: 664 – permission denied, I/O on mounted directories.
manual build & test succeeds
voltha-docs: gerrit:35291
linkcheck and linting problems to cleanup.
voltha-openolt-adapter: gerrit:35071, job: 1986
Command not found: kubectl, voltctl
A few pipelines are able to run by coincidence.
Static binaries were copied into /usr/local/bin, available as a fallback but potential for inconsistent version use.
Similar to the kail command, a central tool installer has been added for kubectl:
Logic will provide a known version of the tool for jobs.
Also potential to freeze command version during release.
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[michelle] - TST election input is still needed, submit your nominees by tomorrow.
[manuel] - VPN status ?
Lab documentation requests ?
Announcements / Requests:
AWS AMI/Jenkins Nodes
Repo:voltha-protos and repo:voltha-lib-go built and tested cleanly.
Building up a clean inventory of tools, interpreters, packages and versions.
Initial AMI was created based on the free aws.tiny model (1cpu, 4gb).
Two additional AMIs need to be created with additional resources to avoid high loads causing severe thrashing
Still need to add the re-created AMI to jenkins so pipelines can start launching jobs agin.
Github Actions - WIP
An effort is underway to migrate some of the jenkins pipeline into github actions.
No major change in functionality will be visible:
GA can function as a dispatcher launching commands in place of JJB.
Literally jenkins pipeline code can be simplified, GA would simply invoke make targets directly.
Future proof logic, all LF projects are migrating to Github Actions.
Actions can be performed multiple times with multiple triggers. Linting / pre-commit hook can be performed on checkins more easily than creating or augmenting JJB pipelines.
Python upgrade: using GA will help isolate python virtual machine use, Upgrading python for pipeline use will no longer introduce an implicit danger for jenkinsh. JJB and repo:voltha-system-tests will use distinct virtual machines.python interpreters so there will be little danger of breaking jenkins while attempting to upgrade python for the testing.
Most importantly: LF Releng involvement.
More people available to work on jenkins & build problems.
Releng has established workflows used by many projects that can help reduce dependency and complexity added by JJB.
Atlassian Server Cloud Migration slides
Data center migration to cloud server
Would anyone have reservations about performing the migration ?
Project documentation for LF Release Engineering
Actively creating cookbooks and docs.voltha.org links for people to use.
Reference material will also be helpful during handoff in August.
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[serkant] - summary of items and a few questions.
[michelle] - Upcoming TST elections:
Please review governance & charters
Upcoming elections, a notice will need to be sent out soon.
Suggest nominations.
2024-07-09 - Cancelled
2024-07-02 [Amit] covering
Docker pipeline - Joey working on it
Announcements / Requests:
[joey] Question: can someone emcee the TST meeting on 07-09 ?
[joey] - Jenkins – recreate AMI for job nodes:
VOL-5352 - AWS AMI recreation:
This ticket documents current status.
See subtasks attached to this story, assign & work on any of interest.
Build & test problems, compiler warnings, etc encountered during image testing / clean rebuilds / detailed log review.
A new/clean AMI created with former interpreter & tool versions created.
Successful manual build & tested:
06/28 - replacing pipeline jobs with the new AMI to restore builds.
olt-agent build
Manual build induced thrashing/heavy swap, machine unresponsive.
Prototype AMI is aws type micro, limited resources (1cpu, 2-4gb)
Creating another AMI based on a larger resource model
[joey] - LF will help with VPN migration:
[joey] - V13 release target
wiki.lfbroadband.org :: Release Tracking
Code Freeze date is yet to be finalized
The date cannot be finalized unless the problems seen currently in the release process are sorted out.
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[joey] - LF will be migrating Atlassian services (confluence, jira, etc) in bulk from data center to cloud. Slides and material for projects will be provided later.
wiki.lfbroadband.org :: VOLTHA - minor content migration
jira.opencord.org - unaffected, jira server has not migrated to LF yet.
[joey] - Jenkins – recreate AMI for job nodes:[joey] - LF will help with VPN migration:
[joey] - V13 release target
wiki.lfbroadband.org :: Release Tracking
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[joey] - Taking vacation 1st week in July
Can someone cover the TST meeting on 2nd and 9th ?
[Amit] can cover on the 2nd.
[joey] - Jenkins – recreate AMI for job nodes:[joey] - LF will help with VPN migration:
[joey] - V13 release target
wiki.lfbroadband.org :: Release Tracking
The Floor is Open for discussion:
CFP for OCP Global Summit: https://www.opencompute.org/summit/global-summit
October 15–17, 2024 San Jose, California
OCP: Open Compute Project:
[joey] - git commit –signoff (LF Required)
Create an ed25519 GPG signing key (gpg2 –expert –full-key-gen).
Add key to .gitconfig (gpgsigningkey = {xxxxxxxxx}! – note bang(!) suffix)
git commit –signoff –gpg-sign
See also: TST meeting notes from 2024-04-09
[joey] - Jenkins – recreate AMI for job nodes:
No status update
[joey] - LF will help with VPN migration:
Admin/login access added
[joey] - V13 release target
Create a list of pending items for the next release.A release date is needed, Dec may be too far off.AMI image problem, VGC/golang upgrade, transient problems, etc
The Floor is Open for discussion:
CFP for OCP Global Summit: https://www.opencompute.org/summit/global-summit
Last event in Prague: HW event, minimal software.
Discuss: consider presenting at the event.
October 15–17, 2024 San Jose, California
OCP: Open Compute Project:
[joey] - git commit –signoff (LF Required)
Create an ed25519 GPG signing key (gpg2 –expert –full-key-gen).
Add key to .gitconfig (gpgsigningkey = {xxxxxxxxx}! – note bang(!) suffix)
git commit --signoff —gpg-sign
Signed-off-by: Joey Armstrong <jarmstrong@linuxfoundation.org>
Change-Id: Ia83305912a66da020f04096a23f9e07f3478c72b
gpg: Good Signature from [...], fingerprint(s) [...]
See also: TST meeting notes from 2024-04-09
git show HEAD –show-signature:
[joey] - Jenkins – recreate AMI for job nodes (WIP)[joey] - LF will help with VPN migration:
TODO: grant admin and remote access.
The Floor is Open for discussion:
Jira Tickets: Patch grid, Transient test failures
Code Reviews: gerrit?status=open
REPO:onf-scripts : gerrit-search, jenkins-search, jira-search
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[joey] Question: .vscode/ in repositories
Gerrit:35248 - voltha-lib/go/.vscode/launch.json checked in (circa: 2021):
Will this freeze editor behavior until updated ?
If .vscode/ is needed a new git repository can be created to support a common core set of options then cloned as a submodule into all votlha repositories.
Personal editor preferences ?
Maintained (?) configs contain hardcoded version strings.
Single use case or is vscode in widespread use ?
Thoughts ? Is .vscode needed and should a central config be maintained ?
[mahir] - .vscode can be removed.
VPN update
New public calendar for meetings:
New Broadband/VOLTHA wiki created
A Linux Foundation ID is required for access
AWS AMI mishap last week: Amazon Machine Image
An AMI was inadvertently deleted during aws cleanup.
This ami is the base image for all running VOLTHA jobs.
In the interim jobs can report two different messages/states:
All nodes of label ‘ubuntu18.04-basebuild-4c-8g’ are offline
Patch status: no build
We are working to recreate the missing AMI.
Colo deprecation / VPN relocation
TSTs presented to the board and a 30 day extension has been approved.
Jira Tickets: Patch grid, Transient test failures
Open Code Reviews: gerrit?status=open
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[mahir] - Reminder: VERSION file needs to be edited with each patch submission.
New public calendar for meetings: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/broadband-fund
VPN discussion
Currently hosted in ONF colosite (CoreSite), co-located (and paid for) with Aether and P4 equipment
Aether and P4 pulled or turned off equipment, and will not pay for colo moving forward
VPN still needs to be reverse-engineered
Ask LF BB governing board to approve funds to continue paying for colo until VPN issue can be resolved (~$2,500 / month)
Determine if VPN issue can be resolved within 30 days (required notice to turn colo site off)
Turn off VPN and lose all hardware tests (and possibly other things that are currently unknown)
Next steps: Amit/Mahir will bring to board on Thursday
[serkant] - edits needed in bbsim to support testing
Implement logic in repo:voltha-go-controller, merge patches.Periodic updates during TST meeting (?)Are new unit tests needed to test this feature (~bbsim):[Serkant] investigation into bbsim enhancements.Update: BBSIM assumes only one NNI port exists in the OLT. All of the NNI up/down notifications and uplink messages sent are based on this assumption. Changes need to be made.
[joey] - jenkins.opencord
Job queue is backed up and long this morning.
Status: All nodes of label ‘ubuntu18.04-base*’ are offline
[joey] - Triage failing patches - commit message(s) decorated with jira tickets.
Jira Tickets: Patch grid, Transient test failures
Test Perform BBSim Sanity :: Validates the BBSim Functionality for | |
Voltha DT PODTests :: Test various end-to-end scenarios | |
Voltha TT PODTests :: Test various functional end-to-end scenarios for TT | |
Voltha-go-controller timeout (10 min) | |
Repo:voltha-protos timeout (20 min) |
Individual tickets have affected gerrit patches linked to them.
Repository: voltha-go-controller
Abhilash has done some builds locally
No code complexity issues contributing to long runtime.
Local builds not affected, problem appears to manifest in batch.
VOL-5346 - 10 minute timeout during linting
Repository: voltha-protos
Build timed out (after 20 minutes). Marking the build as failed.
Verbosity and instrumentation are being added to the makefile.
Open Code Reviews: gerrit?status=open
Patch | Repo | Notes |
The Floor is Open for discussion:
Submitting Patches: docs.voltha.org
All patches require a Jira Ticket in the Commit Message.
All patches should increment VERSION file
Update Copyright Notice whenever sources are modified:
Date spans last year modified (NOTE: *-present not valid).
Also include ‘SPDX’ tokens for linting project licenses:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2024 Open Networking Foundation Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Pipelines have been affected by transient problems lately.Timeouts, end-2-end connectivity tests, etc.
[serkant] - edits needed in bbsim to support testing
Implement logic in repo:voltha-go-controller, merge patches.Periodic updates during TST meeting (?)Are new unit tests needed to test this feature (~bbsim):[Serkant] investigation into bbsim enhancements.Update: BBSIM assumes only one NNI port exists in the OLT. All of the NNI up/down notifications and uplink messages sent are based on this assumption. Changes need to be made.
Jenkins / JJB SW upgrades: temporarily on hold due to peripheral failures.
Repo:todo - Grid created to track open patches, common/transient failures.
Item | Repos | Installed | Patched | Notes |
14 | 11 | 2 | Linting tool; make pre-commit install virtualenv, invoke pre-commit | |
14 | 5 | 3 | Library makefiles. Added as a git submodule, lightly used. |
docs.voltha.org :: pre-commit % make pre-commit
Jira Tickets:
Common / Transient failures
Repo:todo - Grid created to track open patches, common/transient failures.
VOL-5335 - NOP patch, TT E2E ping test failure.
VOL-5305, VOL-5331 - DT PODTests, E2E ping failing
Same toolchain
Failing job showing an increase in all runtime stats.
Only obvious delta is <testsuite></testsuite> logged by PASS job.
VOL-5332 Gerrit:3525 - Silent 20 minute timeout in ‘make python-test’
Enabled tox debug mode (tox -vvv => level4:DEBUG)
cc1plus: warning: command line option ‘-std=gnu99’ not valid for C++
Under research
Open Reviews: gerrit?status=open
Patch | Repo | Notes |
voltha-lib-go | Lint cleanups | |
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[Michelle] VOLTHA 2.12 Technar video online
[Fridolin] presentation on the support for multiple NNI ports in VOLTHA
VOL-5255 - Use all uplink interfaces not only interface 0 at OLT
repo:voltha-protos - discuss failures.
Implement logic in repo:voltha-go-controller, merge patches.Periodic updates during TST meeting (?)Are new unit tests needed to test this feature (~bbsim):[Serkant] investigation into bbsim enhancements.Update: BBSIM assumes only one NNI port exists in the OLT. All of the NNI up/down notifications and uplink messages sent are based on this assumption. Changes need to be made.
repo:voltha-protos - discuss failures
[gerrit:35128] SIGTERM reported with a new patch.
Jira Tickets:
Golang upgrade / grpc
VOL-5222 - Upgrade docker image (~golang) for grpc:
Gerrit:34870 - golang upgrade indirectly triggered a ‘break the world’ dependency.
Jenkins:52 - more packages within the image will need to be updated.
Hoping the base alpine image will not upgrade python right now. That event will prompt updating the robot testing harness across all repos.
Open Reviews:
Pre-commit / lint cleanups
Gerrit:35248 repo:voltha-lib-go lint cleanups for yaml src
Gerrit:35254 repo:voltha-docs add pre-commit
Gerrit:35249 repo:voltha-go-controller add pre-commit
Gerrit:35255 repo:voltha-openonu-adatpter-go add pre-commit
[Abhilash] % gerrit --wip --message 'olt'
Code reviews needed
Patches to be merged after voltha-protos job failure is resolved.
Scripts: repo:onf-scripts
Gerrit - gerrit.sh –wip –before ‘2024-04-24’ –message ‘bbsim’
–before/since Search for unreviewed/recently modified patches
–message Search commit message for strings
Common config being deployed to all repos.
Latest hooks and versions frozen for release.
Contains a list of directory exclusions (.venv, makefiles, lf)
copyright notice - Include SPDX tokens and date range spans 2024
docs.votha.org Submitting Code
Pre-commit tool:
.pre-commit-config.yaml - common config checked into repo:onf-make.
Several repositories configured for use.
% make precommit - Install virtualenv and invoke pre-commit
Else setup and run commands manually.
Jira ticket required - missing from several commit messages last week.
The Floor is Open for discussion:
Fridolin(s) will be giving a presentation next week on support for Multiple NNI ports.
VOL-5306 - port forwarding VS ingress controller:
Effort needed to complete transition to ingress controllers.
Ingress replaced port forwarding in VOLTHA proper to improve reliability.
Forwarding and kill logic still exists in repositories. Inventory to determine if unused logic can be removed and finish transition for lingering dependencies.
Jenkins:1148 - repo:voltha-helm-charts
volthaStackDeploy timeout resurfaced
Jira Tickets:
Bbsim - test failures unrelated to patch
Gerrit:35214 - add repo:onf-make as a git submodule
Test Perform BBSim Sanity :: Validates the BBSim Functionality for... | FAIL |
No match found for 'dhcpl2relay-remove-allocation of:00000a0a0a0a0a0a 256'
Gerrit:35225 - yaml lint cleanups
ERROR: Keyword 'Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added For ONU DT' failed
VOL-5313 - Build timed out (after 20 minutes). Marking the build as failed
Gerrit:35182 - no logic change, simply adding a git submodule.
gerrit: 35225 - yamllint cleanups
ERROR: Keyword 'Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added For ONU' failed
NOTE: “Verify Subscriber Access” failed jobs in several different repos.
Gerrit:35198 - simple VERSION file update.
ERROR: Keyword 'Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added For ONU' failed
Gerrit:35225 - bbsim- yaml lint cleanups
The Floor is Open for discussion:
VOLTHA v2.12 Techinar
Thank you: Amit, Mahir & Abhilash !
Some jobs are failing due to AWS nodes being unavailable:
Jobs launch and nodes startup but eventually fail due to a missing key.
Problem seems related to longer startup time.
Timeout limit to be increased temporarily.
Debugging ongoing.
Pre-commit - A framework for managing pre-commit hooks
Very nice tool for linting tasks (source, licenses, etc)
[bbsim] git clone bbsim
cd bbsim
make venv # install python virtualenv w/modules
source .venv/bin/activate
Gerrit:35218 - Deployed to a few repositories (WIP: repo:voltha-go)
[Amit] We need to add in the agenda for the 2024-04-30 TST meeting a presentation from Fridolin on the support for multiple NNI ports in VOLTHA that he has worked on:
VOL-5255 - Use all uplink interfaces not only interface 0 at OLT
Repo:voltha-protos - discuss failures.
Pre-commit - A framework for managing pre-commit hooks
Very nice tool for linting tasks (source, licenses, etc)
[bbsim] git clone bbsim
cd bbsim
make venv # install python virtualenv w/modules
source .venv/bin/activate
Gerrit:35218 - Deployed to a few repositories (WIP: repo:voltha-go)
Tools & Resources:
A few reminders about licenses and compliance:
The project cannot directly handle, incorporate, build or deploy proprietary content and/or sources under an Non Disclosure Agreement.
Make lint-license
pre-commit script hook running the reuse tool are on the way.
LFC193 - Intro to Open Source License Compliance
LFD102 - A Beginner’s Guide to Open Source Software Development
NDAs and proprietary software in any form are not allowed.
External code and dependencies must originate from a publicly available server.
Code is covered by an OSS license
Linux Foundation Training courses if interested:
OSS Licenses in the news:
TO: BSL - Business Source LIcense (def NOT OSS)
Reverted the fork to an older code version covered by MPL.
The code base would continue to use OSS Licensing going forward.
Bashed the OSS community, cease-and-desist letter
One vendor decided to change licensing to a more restrictive model:
OpenTofu Project - forked the repository:
Vendor: Subsequently
[aside] Interesting article from Harvard Business Review
Jira Tickets:
VOL-5300 - (story) repo:voltha-go report of stale content (*.yaml) in voltha deploy.
[note] I'm not sure if we still need to support docker-compose deployment.
[note] We left this long years ago and started to use helms instead afaik.
Deprecate docker use and configs in favor of minicube
Config files will not be maintained going forward.
Add deprecated banner in the quickstart guide
To be assigned (from multiple TSTs)
VOL-5301 - Review code/licensing in repo:openolt
jira-search.sh –server opencord –unresolved (--help)
gerrit.sh –unmerged
Open Reviews [Abhilash]
On-demand diagnosis for metrics being addedWould like to close the ticket this week.https://jira.opencord.org/browse/VOL-5291https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-protos/+/35128https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-openolt-adapter/+/35173https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/openolt/+/35195https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltctl/+/35152https://jira.opencord.org/browse/VOL-5305https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltctl/+/35216
The Floor is Open for discussion:
Pipelines are not running for most of the repos.
Likely related to the aws node startup problem
Resume work on getting VGC release as part for next release
On joey(s) todo list and aware of it.
V2.12 techinar date/time change by timezone:
1800 EEST
1100 EST
1700 CEST
0800 PST
10th April 2024 @ 8am PST
Linux Foundation
Gather monthly AWS billing and usage for the project.
VPN transition work for the Berlin lab ongoing.
JJB Upgrades are ongoing:
Blocker: lftools upgrade dropped support for older python interpreter versions.
Interpreter will need to be upgraded to continue JJB upgrades.
Python upgrades will affect robot testing and repo:voltha-docs
Unused job views have been deleted.
VOL-5296 - Publish voltctl version v1.11.2 (gerrit:35192)
Github signing key for releasing expired, re-generate and re-publish.
Jenkins: publish task ran and failed after patch merge and ‘job success’.
Cannot ‘recheck’ to trigger a side effect of publishing the artifact.
Bump VERSION string to trigger a clean publishing job.
VOL-5296 - voltctl release failure: copy & paste jenkins log text
Pasting jenkins logs into jira
A simple paste of log text into Description strips newlines and formatting.
Use the [+v] menu, option preformat then paste.
Consider DCO and signing commits:
Asserts project copyright/license covers the current patch.
Can be signed from gpg or ssh-keygen
Validation that you created the patch.
email =
name =
gpgsigningkey = xxxxxxxxx! # Note bang(!) suffix
ci = checkin
co = checkout
cs = commit --signoff —gpg-sign
st = status
unpushed = diff --name-only origin/master..
gpgsign = true
DCO - Developer certificate of origin ( % git commit –signoff ).
Signing Commits (% git commit –gpg-sign)
Alias Usage:
Sign a commit, checkin message read from disk.
Include all locally modified files in patch.
Checkin edits with commit message prompting.
git cs –F ../my-checkin-message file[ .. file(s) ]
git add –all && git ci
[joey] - Refresh bbsim problem list and repos.
Code Review requests:
The Floor is Open for discussion:
2024-04-02 - cancelled
V2.12 techinar to be scheduled:
[amit] - proposed week of 2024-04-08
JJB:jenkins job builder
Global-jjb upgrade to v0.67.0
Add makefile target lint-bashate
Update source so linting tools run successfully.
Commit hook added: bashate
Similar to shellcheck but enabled for all repos by default.
No fallout from upgrade, linting limited to modified source in a patch.
Suggestion: Create 2 patches:
% make help | grep lint
% make lint lint-shell lint-yaml
NOTE: Linting tools generally support exclusions. Cleanup whatever can be but if edits are excessive individual files can be filtered from checking to allow gradual cleanup.
Patch #1 - Cleanup source problems until linting tools run successfully.
Review and merge patch containing lint cleanups.
Patch #2 - Normal development, edit source to add features or fix bugs.
Two distinct logic patches will be easier to review.
Logic isolation helps identify the source when jobs fail.
Bulk source cleanup forced by jjb upgrades and future build system answers.
When submitting code create two patches:
[joey] Repo:onf-scripts: search scripts for gerrit and jira:
[joey] Unit testing shell scripts, code snippets from docker and makefiles:
Repo:help-repo-tools [test/bats/] [chart_version_check.bats]
Code Reviews:
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[Mahir] - checking on bbsim test failures:
Likely a hard coded version that needs to be updated for release.
Groovy script queries for tags in github not gerrit:
Answer should be consistent across repositories.
Gerrit holds the truth, github is a mirror.
Identify and cleanup discrepancies.
Failing due to a tag discrepancy between the repositories.
Timestamp between two counter periods failing:
Expected value of 4 fails on time difference of 5.
Stale data found in etcd.
Port was not removed by ONOS after device delete.
Race conditions (?)
A lot more tests are running green.
We were seeing this behavior last year.
BISDN mentioned hardware tests also exhibited behavior at device level
Reverted patch was masking other failures in the code base.
We should also actively remove ‘|| true’ commands suffixed
Gustov(s) patch submitted earlier was backed out.
Voltctl: older version in use:
Software-upgrade tests:
PM tests
[joey] Intermittent test failures are not new:
JJB (jenkins job builder) is currently unmaintained:
May become a failure point over time due to stagnation or interpreter upgrades force code changes and the repository is no longer being maintained.
Gradle may be an option if needed
Other packages or systems to consider ?
V2.12 techinar to be scheduled:
[amit] - proposed week of 2024-04-08
[michelle] - 3 week lead time for scheduling, registration, etc
VOLTHA Project Page on youtube:
TST Meeting videos are now uploaded to this channel.
[recheck] failing jobs mentioned in the github bbsim README
Clicked [ keep this build forever ] to prevent log atrophy.
Query Scripts:
Gerrit : [unmerged], [stale (6mo)]
Jira : bbsim [description], [label], [component]
JJB - Jenkins Job Builder
Upgrades will active two commit hooks: bashate and yamllint.
Bulk cleanup across multiple repositories may be needed.
lint targets for local development:
make lint-shell | shellcheck, bashate to be added. |
make lint-yaml | yamllint |
Look into tox deployment
Lftools - python upgrade needed, affects robotframework.
Robot Test Framework
python --version (testing Python 3.11.6)
Repo:voltha-system-tests messages:
[ ERROR ] option --noncritical not recognized
[ WARN ] voltha-system-tests/libraries/bbsim.robot' on line 101: The '[Return]' setting is deprecated. Use the 'RETURN' statement instead.
[Return] statement will be removed from robotframework:
If it has not already in the latest version.
gerrit:35161 Tool robotidy can apply bulk syntax cleanups:
Upgrade robotframework:3.1.2 to at least v4.0
The Floor is Open for discussion:
Any VOLTHA features or internals of interest to mention ?
[Amit] - Working on slide deck for techinar, sent out for review input:
Options: free form meeting.
Options: zoom pro meeting shared between projects ?
Writeup a short blog on the release notes.
Lf-marketing can help after Kubecon
Who would like to present.
[Michelle] - waiting for feedback from sales for the event:
Code Reviews:
[Abhilash] Gerrit:35128 - OnDemand stats repo:voltha-protos
[Joey] Gerrit:35137 - repo:voltha-openolt-adapter Makefile cleanups
V2.12 techinar to be scheduled
Slide dec, etc
Three week lead time for zoom scheduling, registration & promotion.
[amit] WIP - proposed week of 2024-04-08
LFID - https://identity.linuxfoundation.org
The login is used to access project resources: gerrit, wiki, etc
LF email address
Create an LFID/SSO account when convenient:
Linux Foundation
Only visible internally, will need to re-home bbsim and JJB below.
A request to create a server will be initiated soon.
Personal wiki pages:
Wiki server: wiki.voltha.org
BBSIM test failureshttps://github.com/joey-onf/todo/tree/origin/master/bbsim
JJB Upgradesrepo:global-jjbUpgrade v0.57.0 -> v0.57.3
The Floor is Open for discussion:
Any VOLTHA features or internals of interest to mention ?
Code Review Requests:
TODO Items:
Download and publish TST youtube video from 2024-03-05
Triage jira tickets:
decorate, assign, resolve, etc – cleanup as needed
Two scripts/repositories exist able to query for gerrit patches & jira records:
Search by string or tickets decorated with attributes & labels.
Assigned to ‘me’
Status = [pending | resolved | unresolved]
Sharp edges lingering, cleanup and publish needed so queries are available for TST meetings.
Remove ‘|| true’ from commands and testing
Allow commands to fail, debug and resolve underlying issues
VOL-5220 - new jenkins pipeline for VGC jobs.
golang upgrade – update and validate docker images
Affects repo:voltha-docs and robot testing harness.
Remove custom tarball used to freeze packages.
Upgrade interpreter
Update VOLTHA repositories to use git submodule repo:onf-make
Provides consistent target behavior and features.
The Floor is Open for discussion:
[abhilash] - [wip] Changes on the way, pointers will be posted in slack
V2.12 techinar:
Mahir will also be attending
Volunteer(s) – Amit will begin working on the V2.12 Techinar
Ongoing call for helper elves.
Scheduling: within the next 30 days
Michelle will coordinate with Amit to set things up:
LFID - https://identity.linuxfoundation.org
The login is used to access project resources: gerrit, wiki, etc
LF email address
Create an LFID/SSO account when convenient:
Bbsim test failures page in need of visibility, mahir was having problems accessing with his LF ID. Problem related to personal page access, strange no restrictions for viewing are imposed, maybe blocked at login/credentials level.
JJB UpgradesGlobal-jjb v0.57.0Common-packer: v0.7.0
Code review requests
The Floor is Open for discussion
[Mahir] volunteers needed to diagnose bbsim testing failures.
V2.12 techinar:
Mahir will also be attending
Volunteer(s) – Amit will begin working on the V2.12 Techinar
Ongoing call for helper elves.
Scheduling: within the next 30 days
Michelle will coordinate with Amit to set things up:
Meeting problems from last week:
Headset and webcam blocked by usbguard (long story)
DNSSEC was contributing to a few problems.
Not identified as host
Devices not selectable
Checking for firewalled ports.
New laptop + SE Linux + usbguard:
Question asked: was the invite only sent to TST members ?
No - broadcast email sent to voltha-discuss@onf
Forwarded to slack:votlha-devs & voltha-discuss@opencord
A new voltha-discuss newsgroup will likely be created during the transition.
OpenOLT Agent
Completely manual process, building, testing and OS packages
Build instructions: BUILDING.md
Proprietary SDKs are used to build the low level agent.
Tedious and complex are the adjectives used to describe the process.
Output: debian packages.
Some uploads and downloads to vendor sites.
In the interim repository will be tagged for v2.12 but artifacts/packages are not yet available.
Need to figure out all the moving parts.
My wiki writeup for retrieval lost during the website attack.
Encountered auth/access problems last download attempt.
May need to revisit/debug & document
Background for Olt Adapter build:
BAL updated during v2.11 release and a few months ago by BISDN for Berlin:
Linux foundation updates:
All gerrit repositories and orgs (opencord.org and onosproject.org) will need to migrate in bulk, migrating individually is not an option.
A maintenance window will be scheduled to limit disruption.
To reduce potential for problems with the Gerrit migration jenkins server will be updated and transitioned first.
Jenkins Job Builder & friends will upgrade from v2.8 to v5 & V6:
We are running a very old version of JJB.
Start by upgrading global-jjb, lf-ansible and packer for all pipelines.
Berlin lab: map out VPN for transition ONF colo VPN to LF VPN.
Gerrit server migration will be a big job:
Jenkins server migration:
Bbsim testing failures
All repositories are tagged and branched
[TODO] Including openolt-agent
Chart:voltha-onos upgrade blocked by a hang in volthaStackDeploy
Pending Items:
OpenOLT agent - variant hardware builds
Bbsim testing failures
Remove ‘|| true’ from all builds and test jobs to flush out corruption sources.
Triage old jira tickets
Triage jenkins jobs, remove duplicate views and job entries.
Update 3rd party tools and software libraries
VOL-5220 - VGC - upgrade golang, docker image, so repository can build.
VOL-5283 - Consolidate installers/tool-versions: bbsim, kail, kind, voltctl
Code review requests
The Floor is Open for discussion
Voltha-go-controller planned for next release to replace onos.
Verify TT dependencies to include
Verify VGC dependencies are all working correctly.
Verify VGC is being tested for TT workflows.
V2.12 techinar:
Mahir will also be attending
Volunteer(s) – Amit will begin working on the V2.12 Techinar
Ongoing call for helper elves.
Scheduling: within the next 30 days
Michelle will coordinate with Amit to set things up:
Linux Foundation
Workspace: LFN Tech (lfntech.slack.com)
Channel: lfn-gha-collab
LF Slack Channel for github-actions discussion:Updates:
[joey] Question: Release Notes Page
Any preference for layout ? One page or summary with links ?
Code review requests
The Floor is Open for discussion
Followup with Girish for background on manual build steps for openolt agent. Credentials will also be needed for uploads.
Bbsim test triage.
Jira tickets – search for tickets with label ‘bbsim’ or ‘Testing’
Jenkins views
Purge old release views; 2.8, etc
Search for duplicate jobs
V2.12 techinar:
Mahir will also be attending
Volunteer(s) – Amit will begin working on the V2.12 Techinar
Ongoing call for helper elves.
Scheduling: within the next 30 days
Michelle will coordinate with Amit to set things up:
The Linux Foundation: Release Engineering
Jessica Gonzalez: Github Actions
Walkthrough example: ORAN(s) use of actions.
Schedule n / presentation: 3-sessions.
Sessions to be scheduled
Questions always welcome.
OSS - Open Source Summit conference coming up in April, may also be able to discuss github-actions at OSS if people are attending.
Also consider announcing to the Aether community as well.
An fyi: about-billing-for-github-actions
Q & A
Linux Foundation (lfn-gha) slack channel for github actions
Project name: Broadband (not “LF Broadband”)
Org Name: voltha.org
Copyright notice in source:
OLD: Copyright {range} the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
NEW: Copyright {range} the Open Networking Foundation Contributors
Bulk Editing: REPO:copyright :: gather-and-update.ss
[joey] - Release
Release matrix updated [ charts, ONOS, VOLTHA ]
repo:votlha-helm-charts - artifacts, versions, onos, etc updated
[joey] VOL-5282 - voltha-helm-charts update votha-onos
[Mahir] Segment routing lives in https://gerrit.onosproject.org
Timeout in volthaStackDeploy.groovy
Peripheral failure due to segment routing.
[joey] VOL-5273 - bbsim job failure (v2.12 => v2.13):
Gerrit:35079 - branch/tag job for DMI
repo:device-management-interface v1.16.0 fails docker-build
[joey] Helm Charts Oddity:
voltha-go-controller::Chart.yaml appVersion = “1.0”
Repo:voltha-go-controller VERSION is “1.0.0-dev”
[joey] Question: Release Notes Page
All content visible on a single page (current)
Main page is a summary with links to individual topics.
Features & Improvements
Bug Fixes
ONOS Components
Is there a preference for the layout used:
[joey] Linting / Makefile targets
Make lint-chart lint-helm
Chart_version_check.sh script updated.
Errors less cryptic for indirect dependencies.
make lint-groovy-{all,mod,src}
Exclusion file added to help shrink warning volume.
make lint-robot-{all,mod,src}
Make lint-robot
Make lint-robot-all
Make lint-robot-src
Make lint-robot-mod
Helm Charts:
[joey] post-release tasks: (jira label: post-release)
VOL-5274 - remove ‘|| true’ from commands, testing, etc and repair as needed.
VOL-5275 - Upgrade remaining artifact versions in repo:voltha-helm-charts
VOL-5276 - ONOS Components – pom.xml, update all deps to latest version.
VOL-5277 - v-s-t/bbsim.robot – editor colorization broken by a dangling quote.
VOL-5283 - Update tools & installers for consistency across VOLTHA repos:
Feel free to grab any tickets and work on them.
[joey] Docs
Helm chart linting: make lint-chart lint-helm
Index added: Release topics
Topic added for Helm Chart version edits
Makfile lint target(s) - page being broken into separate topics for linking:
Docs.votlha.org (repo:voltha-docs)
[Votlha-Disuss] - Jaeger Pod fails with status ‘InvalidImageName’
I am trying to install VOLTHA Infra with logging and tracing enabled:
“”” helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n infra voltha-infra onf/voltha-infra \ --set voltha-tracing.enabled=true \ --set efk.enabled=true ""
When I checked the pod status, Jaeger pod fails with status "InvalidImageName".
Code review requests
The Floor is Open for discussion
Linux Foundation (lfn-gha) slack channel for github actions
The Linux Foundation:
ONF Org Name: opencord.org
Current usage: https://docs.voltha.org
If there are alternate names to consider speak up soon.
Project name: LF Broadband
Org Name: voltha.org (by TST agreement)
Early migration: Ownership of voltha.org will be transferred to LF.
[joey] Release Status:
repo:bbsim sanity test reported an OLT failure in simulator testing.
Repo:voltha-onos failure reported by VolthaStackDeploy
[TODO] Add bbsim & jira ticket for voltha-onos
While fixing problems, consider if they need to be backported into release.
Naturally TST approval is required to submit a fix.
Stage and merge a patch in one branch then propagate to the other.
Per-repository tagging & branching
Scripted and is almost fully automated.
Can be added as a jenkins UI job with prompts.
Only tag & branch, script unaware of build hierarchy order.
Include repository in the release.
Release REPO:voltha-docs
Most component versions updated, final review & edits needed.
Re-test all repos after all early repos updated with final version strings:
All repositories tagged and branched so the flood gates are open.
Some lingering problems
Double updates may be needed for a while (branch={master, release})
Release automation
Repositories: unreleased (VHC::Chart.yaml), should they be:
Post release cleanup:
[TODO] Revisit tag names – VERSION file tagging has potential to conflict with voltha-x.y release/branch tagging.
Linux Foundation Stuff
% make lint (Syntax Checking)
% make mod-update build test
The Linux Foundation is leaning heavily toward use of Github Actions.
From reading through docs, they seem very interesting.
Potential clean path forward for some upgrades (ie repo:voltha-docs VS Sphinx).
Subject to change but an alpha setup could use GA triggers as a dispatcher using GA as thin wrappers. Actions invoke makefile targets as they are used today. Devs have the option of working locally with access to verbatim behavior from a jenkins pipeline:
Commit message validation / format:
Line[1]: 80cpl summary for the patch.
Detect token ‘recheck’ in body to re-start a job.
Validation checks (#1 - require a jira ticket #)
Format, fields, spelling.
Tokens that trigger extra actions:
Perform lint checks disabled due to volume errors.
Extra credit: limit checking patch sources.
There have been references to commit message content validation.
Our commit hooks currently:
Think about options that would be beneficial:
Silly Stats (last 90 days)
These will likely change with migration to LF but some interesting stats can be found:
5th most active project
76 commits
7 authors
18 repositories
Mahir: 35 commits, 1486 files, lines: added[278], removed[191]
Nikesh: 16 commits, lines: added[232], removed[200]
Most active repos:
voltha-docs, voltha-go, voltha-openonu-adapter-go
7673 builds
181 jobs
1300 nodes
54 job categories (summary)
25 Docker Images
335,462 pulls
Jenkins Jobs:
Code review requests
The Floor is Open for discussion
V2.12 techinar:
Volunteer(s) – Amit will begin working on it.
Scheduling: Within the next 30 days.
[Joey] Release
Release matrix versions and URLs mostly updated.
Now includes dated resources (docker, pypi) labeled with state ‘stale’.
Component Tracking: Components, VOLTHA
More cookbook detail added.
URLs and search fail to find older versions of *-api & *-app
Sadis v5.12.1 ran for 4 days, may have hung & was terminated.
Sadis v5.12.2 with added jackson dep changes ran to completion.
Publishing artifacts to maven central can be heavily threaded but individually continue to require 10+ hours for a run to complete.
Component: kafka-onos can take a few days given dependencies.
Some of the publishing job flow is known but largely undocumented and knowledge gaps exist, research needed.
Published: aaa, bng, dhcpl2relay, igmpproxy, kafka, maclearner, mcast, olt, olttopology, ppoeagent, sadis
Kafka: strange
Long publishing times – research/debugging needed:
Onos-dependencies in pom.xml - a mix of versions have surfaced:
Values need to be corrected and parameterized.
V2.5.5 - general onos-dependency version.
V2.5.8 - repo:votlha-onos, Docker image
V2.5.9 - Pending merge of Gustavo(s) path
Version normalizing will be a post-release activity. Updating has restrictive overhead, introduction of uncertainty and painfully long artifact deployment times.
Also some pom.xml(s) contain hardcoded API version 1.0.0,
Voltha-onos w/Gustavo(s) patch
VOL-526 - Couldn't find any revision to build.
Published: voltha-protos, voltha-lib-go
Problems: voltha-go, voltha-openolt-adapter
Review helm chart versions
Review voltha-system-tests
Review and bulk close jira tickets.
ONOS: inconsistent naming in pom.xml:
Repo:mac-learning, component:maclearner
Repo:kafka-onos, component:kafka
Naming convention not always 1-to-1
VOLTHA depends on ONOS component igmpproxy.
Kafka-onos depends on “igmp.api”
Confusing due to existence of repository:igmp and following dependency chain, dep is actually igmpproxy.
[Mahir] Linux Foundation Migration:
Confluence: wiki.voltha.org
Project documentation:
Currently labeled ‘cord.org’ - rename ? (mahir: voltha.org)
What domain name should be used for resources: voltha.org ?
[Mahir] REPO:device-management-interface
Repository is not part of the release, should it be ?
Plan to add this in the v2.13 release.
[Joey] Python module upgrade idea (non-invasive!):
Last week I had an idea for an approach we can use to selectively upgrade python modules, on a per-repository basis, w/o potential for massive fallout.
Module Sphinx* can be a guineapig (v5.0+ needed) isolated in repo:voltha-docs.
Robot test framework & modules can follow along afterward.
Jira Queries
Code review requests:
2024-01-23 - cancelled
ONOS Component sadis:
Using two different versions of com.fasterxml.jackson in use.
15+ hrs for maven central publish (w/jackson) v2.15
Mahir: Testing continues to fail, revert to jackson v2.10.2
maven central: waiting for v5.12.1 to publish
Stale v2.12 branches and tags removed: voltha-2.12-beta, v2.12.0
Release Notes: docs.voltha.org, Components: VOLTHA, ONOS
Jira Queries
NOTE: Type ctrl-K to insert abbreviated URLs
Release tickets
Code review requests:
The floor is open:
[jan] zyxel olt Debugging is ongoing.
Hardware/cabling required.
Swapping transceiver(s) can eventually get all devices to show loss of signal, so broken transceivers is unlikely.
ONL python environment too old on the devices to run inventory scrips.
Several options to pursue, underlying suspicion – not sure if the setup worked.
A debugging slack channel was setup for discussion.
Let Jan know of any other debugging suggestions to pursue.
Release will not be blocked on these tests.
HW Certification: Need a point person familiar with individual OLT HW/config brought into the labs to avoid wide area, brute force debugging to diagnose problems.
[Mahir] Open jira tickets / document HW flow/debugging to get more people involved.
Repo:voltha-protos published
% git checkout -b voltha-2.12 tags/v2.12.0
% git log –graph –decorate –oneline | grep “2.12”
25589d8 (HEAD -> voltha-2.12, tag: v2.12.0, origin/voltha-2.12, …)
ONOS Component sadis:
Using two different versions of com.fasterxml.jackson in use.
Jackson-databind (2.10.2) and jackson-core (2.15.2)
Rebuild and deployment(?-s-?) needed but automated job failing in a non-obvious way due to missing ‘Commit-ID:’ string.
Debugging ongoing.
VOL-5099 - verify_voltha_onos_sanity_test failure
The repository ‘... stable Release' does not have a Release file.
Known problem with certificate installer from base docker OS.
Gerrit:34880 - https://docs.voltha.org (make linkcheck)
Altered pages (~release) to no longer reference missing wiki URLs.
go get install command deprecated (go > v1.17)
VOL-5230 - Deprecate GO111MODULE=on use.
Docker image: update golang to v1.17.10.
Github reports rate limiting for image downloads while job running.
Future work:
Testing Pipelines:
Multicast tests need to be fixed. The culprit seemed to be the ONU, since the counters in the OLT NNI and GEM ports were both increasing when the multicast traffic was being sent, but the RG was not receiving the packets. We tried to run the tests with the GPON ONUs SCOM00001c82 and SCOM00001C89, both of them connected to the same EdgeCore OLT box. Since both ONUs were failing the mcast tests, we needed to find other ONUs to run the tests with:
Cabling checked and documented.
Spare equipment parts(?): yes the lab likely has some.
Passive cabling needs to be documented.
Setup meetings / allocate time to try out cabling swaps.
[Mahir] proposes releasing independent of a problem fix.
But identify as problem and validate post release.
The other SCOM ONUs connected to the OLT were probably the same model/version, so no point in testing with them.
The Adtran ONUs and OLTs have never been tested with the TT workflow and Mahir did not think it would work.
The other EdgeCore XGS-PON OLT did not have any config file nor pipeline ready, so again, we could not test with it.
The only option was to try with the Zyxel Combo OLT S210Z14009247. This OLT has 2 Zyxel ONUs connected to it: a PM7300-T0 (serial num ZYXE8CAC752C) and a PMG1005-T20C (serial num ZYXE8cabe30b). The first one seemed to have all the cabling ok, but is not showing in the openolt logs, so it's not being discovered, for whatever reason (openolt build maybe?). The second one is showing in the openolt logs, but has the LOS led light in red (also showing LOS OMCI messages in the openonu adapter logs). The only two routes to follow seem to be the following: try to find an updated openolt build for the OLT box and/or replace the PON cabling/connectors between the OLT and the ONU with LOS errors.
DT pipeline: 27/32 pass. Remaining failing tests are bandwidth guarantee tests.
TT pipeline: 16/16 pass (with multicast tests disabled).
Jira Queries
NOTE: Type ctrl-K to insert abbreviated URLs
Release tickets
Code reviews needed:
VOL-5239 - Fix latent bbsim linting failures (gofmt -s -e -w) and trigger a build.Gerrit:34866 - lint fixes
[abhilash] reviews needs closure
[Mahir] - are any patches critical ? If not defer nice-to-have until after release.
The floor is open:
Joey away on the 2024-01-23, Mahir will emcee the TST meeting.
Jira Queries
NOTE: Type ctrl-K to insert abbreviated URLs
Release tickets
Open Patches:
Open Tasks:
The floor is open:
January freeze date today.
Robot unit tests and linting:
Nice static analysis tools available to complement pep, pyflakes, etc.
Not yet available as makefile targets but will be soon.
VOL-4746 - release EAPOL/openolt, etc
Mahir reported a problem with repo:voltha-onos testing, docker images, etc.
Problem triage: review expired certificate
Errors reported in collectArtifacts but job:311 did not fail early.
Status update on VGC pipelines
34868 - will patch docker image to use a new golang version.
Basic dependency for standing up VGC tests and pipeline jobs.
Open Tasks:
The floor is open:
[abhilash] patches need another set of reviews , which needs to go in before the release
https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-openonu-adapter-go/+/34734https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-openonu-adapter-go/+/34492 gerrit:34492https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-openonu-adapter-go/+/34909 https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-helm-charts/+/34392https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-go/+/34908 Gerrit: 34908https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/voltha-helm-charts/+/34825
Re-review input needed from jan.klare@bisdn.de
Re-visit announcement - ONF will be merging with the Linux Foundation.
Transition to LF will be minimally invasive to the VOLTHA project.
Highlight any transition problems early for escalation.
Upcoming registration for a Webinar to be hosted on Jan 9th.