SEBA RD Update Working Group Meeting Notes
Meeting 10-21-2024
Fran and Serkant going to review v2.0 and propose changes/updates.
BNG - check for accuracy
Add new contributors to working doc
Add any recommended changes/diagrams
Recommend naming SEBA RD v2.1
Full proposal detailed under Scope of Changes - reviewed and confirmed.
Remind folks at TST meeting they can join this weekly meeting
Goal is to have revisions done before Christmas break
Link to doc folder from past RD: SEBA RD - Google Drive
Meeting 9-23-2024
BBF MOU in process
TST voted to publish under a CC BY 4.0 license, per technical charter
Would be good if a draft is ready by mid-November
What changes should be made?
Changing 1 or more diagrams to point to southbound interface
Section added with BBF crossover within reason/scope
Collaborate on Google doc
Working group meeting weekly on Mondays at 9am PT / 12pm ET
Anyone in community can join meetings to collaborate - will announce work starting at VOLTHA TST meeting on Tuesday (9/24/2024)
Final draft will be reviewed and approved by majority vote of the VOLTHA TST, who will then publish under CC 4.0.